Sunday 14 October 2012

Are you mad enough to do it?

The first week at Oxford was intense. In one week your life changes completely -- you become a student again, going to school, with homework and reading to do etc.
Then there is so much unnecessary information that does not directly relate to what you want to study. There is structure, methodology, and many many other things that seems to intentionally distract you from what you really are interested in and what you really want to study.
And the difficult thing is, these things cannot be ignored or neglected -- they are a part of the "process" and you must participate.
There are also lots of people involved. Usually fellow students are fine, but it is the lecturers, doctors, professors and their egos you must deal with, too. But this is the case everywhere else, isn't it?
However, that is not the question. The question is are you mad enough to do it? Because one's got to be mad enough to go through this with a dream and not give up.
I hope we are all mad enough!

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